2 minute read
See if you can relate to any of these situations:
My vehicle has a flat tire…
My washing machine just stopped working…
My air conditioner just went out…
These are all situations where ‘life’ gets in the way. Emergencies happen. Cars break down. Babies get sick. In a perfect world, these unexpected events would be taken care of very easily. You would have money set aside, ready to pay for whatever life throws your way. That’s the ideal situation, and a situation that we hope everyone can achieve one day. However, the majority of us don’t live in a world like that.
That’s where we come in. People take out pawn loans for a majority of reasons. The main reason? Just to make ends meet. They need help ‘bridging the gap’ so they can make it to payday.
Here’s an example…
It’s the middle of the month. We’ll call it a Tuesday. You wake up, walk in the living room, only to realize that your air conditioner has quit working overnight. What luck.
You quickly call the repair man and he’s able to fix it. Bad news though. It’s $225 to fix it. Ouch. You have $600 in your checking account until payday. You’ve got two bills due tomorrow that total $400 and you need enough money to live on until Friday when you get paid. So what do you do? Pay the repair man with a credit card? Borrow money from a family member?
What about a pawn loan?
Let’s say you have a Playstation 4 at your house. You could take it to the pawn shop and borrow the $225 that you need to pay for the repair. Easy. Later on, when Friday rolls around and you get your paycheck, you return to the pawn shop and redeem your PS4. Emergency avoided!
We see situations like this everyday. Good, hardworking people who get hit with an emergency out of nowhere. It happens all the time, and it happens to everyone. We hope everyone can be prepared for whatever life throws your way. However, if for some reason you get caught off guard when life decides to throw a curve ball, we’re always here to help.